my HDD's are spinning down and back up :(
ive had it happen once or twice before, but it did it twice saturday and once sunday, ill be surfin the net or playing a game, and my hard drives spin down, and then spin back up liek the computer is restarting, when it gest into windwos it says my system has recovered froma serious error, and im like no **** a serious error.
well i checked the airflow over the drives and my intake fans were totally dusted up so i cleaned them and got good air flow, then the spindown on sunday happened so it dosnt appear to be a heat issue, any 1 got any ideas?
well i checked the airflow over the drives and my intake fans were totally dusted up so i cleaned them and got good air flow, then the spindown on sunday happened so it dosnt appear to be a heat issue, any 1 got any ideas?
Try switching to a different MOLEX plug on the PSU.
Hope you dont have an antec, been waiting a month for my RMA
12v is @ 12.03
5v @ 5.11
any suggestions?
move the molex connections around?
i got 2 drives an 80 and a 120
the 80 is primary ( os )
the 120 is storage
the 120 makes the "whine" noise when the problem happens
the 80 dosnt make the whine noise when it powers up or down
so i have deduced that it has somthing to do with the power, as when the major problem happens, u CAN hear the whine of the 120 drive as it looses power along with the 80
:Dwhew, now to fix it
:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Good luck!
i have tried reinstalling windows, no go, it no longer gives me errors in event viewer
then i tried switching the IDE controler around so teh cd-roms are in the old hdd IDE and the HDD are in the old CD-ROM and ive been about 24HRs without a restart, if it does it again, ill disconnect the restart switch, ( thats what it looks like when it restarts )
then ill try switching out PSU's *sigh*
i switched them bcak this morning and whent to play Sacred on my asus, and within an hour, it did it
i think its the IDE controler, the briefcase box has a SATA hard drive and my ass uses ATA drives
i got a PCI -> IDE card and was like yea! no more **** ups, then it blue screened and restared, the blue screen sent me into a frenzy and i got maxtors disk utility, and ker-pow 30 mins later i got a 6b6f64ba error code "Your dive is failing"
but at least i FINNALY know whats going on