[F@H]Gauntlet:(How?) Know thy enemy & future conquest?

comfortablecomfortable Sugarland, TX
edited November 2004 in Folding@Home
Sorry if this is supposed to go into the sticky thread. It's extremely hard to keep track of who/why/what/where/a/s/l etc. :wtf:

What kind of stats are available that would allow me to figure out what I should be striving for, and who I should be competing with? I mean, do you guys go by the Stanford stats page?! Coz that's just insane! :eek:

Oh, it's probably been mentioned before, but the whole gauntlet idea is ingenious. It makes for friendly rivalry, and is a great incentive. Whoever came up with the idea deserves a .. well .. hug. ;D

Your newer team member,
Comfortable Austin.


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