nf7-s POST problem! need help!
i recently put together my system.
mobile 2400+ 35w.
abit nf7-s v2.0
two kingston pc3200 256*2=512 workd ok for some time...i installed windows and cpu temps were like 30C
just a few moments ago i put the side cover on and put the system horizontal
quite gently.......when i made it stand up....and powered up....
i heard one short beep and long beep...after which the machine shut down itself automatically...
afterwards i powerd up again...and one short beep and a continuos long beep.......what is it...i am very worried that i my cpu might have died or something. :shakehead :bawling: .......plz suggest something...
i recently put together my system.
mobile 2400+ 35w.
abit nf7-s v2.0
two kingston pc3200 256*2=512 workd ok for some time...i installed windows and cpu temps were like 30C
just a few moments ago i put the side cover on and put the system horizontal
quite gently.......when i made it stand up....and powered up....
i heard one short beep and long beep...after which the machine shut down itself automatically...
afterwards i powerd up again...and one short beep and a continuos long beep.......what is it...i am very worried that i my cpu might have died or something. :shakehead :bawling: .......plz suggest something...
I would remove and reinstall the CPU, hsf, memory and video card.
I have one mobo that has only been built on twice and I thought that I would break it installing the memory.
Timing problems of major kinds, overheating, major shorts of power lines that cause power to other things in computer to not get enough juice to work right, or opens like broken power lines, and a video card overheating (or any combo of those things) can cause this. Two different speeds of RAM, or two kinds of RAM that are set wrong can do this. Continuous beepy wail can be a thermal alarm also, so check fans and check for dust in HSs under fans also.
Did you install, disturb, move, or change ANYTHING just before replacing side panel on case, and AFTER box ran right for its "a while??"
But I have one exception to what S_M said, I would never power up a mobo with the jumper in reset. Unplug it all and clear the bios. Let it sit for a few min. Then put the jumper back and double check that everything is connected tightly and power it up.
guys thanx for all ur replies....
i immediately removed the power cable from wall and reset the jumper to discharge cmos....after a while a put it back in normal position...i also changed the banks for the ram ....put one ram in bank 1 and one in bank 3....previously i had them in dual channel mode i.e bank 2 & 3.................
then i powered it up and the system went fine........
to straght man........... when i put the side panel back....i think that the duct was pressing against the cpu fan......when i thought of that i thought i might have fried it.........but reseting the jumper did it..
i am also facing another problem if somone knows abt it....
i have motorola sm56 pci data/fax/speaker ...internal modem.....
when i try to install a com port(i.e com port 4) according to modem guide......the windows 2000 doesn't keep the settings that i assign to com port....every time i install the port with reccomended i/o and irq settings....when i restart the windows2000 resets the settings that i put...
any suggestions???
if i use winXP will that solve the problem??
It is a bitch. I am not using one of those machines right now so I can't tell you what setting I ended up using. If I get a chance tonight I'll check for you.