BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
edited January 2005
Main Entry: va·pid
Pronunciation: 'va-p&d, 'vA-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa vapid wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam
: lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force : FLAT, DULL <a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance -- R. F. Delderfield> <London was not all vapid dissipation -- V. S. Pritchett>
synonym see INSIPID
- va·pid·ly adverb
- va·pid·ness noun
(If ye be a Monty Python Fan you will understand. )
I don't have my Mohawk because I'm at school and they don't allow them. I have it now though.
i made this pic for my robby. he is teh sex.
more power to you, BJ
no pun, mind you
I take it no one remebers my pic?
Sally, our daughter Kelly, son Scott and myself.
Figured it about time to post something from the LAN downunder, since we've been members for about 1 year.
Has it been a year already? Oh, how time flies
Nice looking family, Jon.
Hehehe......we're Colonials. Ask bothered, his forefathers sent us here.
Sure does. Around 1 year ago, we needed some advise to build our first computer.
still have the HD shirt?
I think not but here goes anyways...
I'm going for the Satan Claws look.
I think you've reached your goal.
You can quit now.