Windows Server 'R2' Details Begin To Leak
Microsoft Corp. still has yet to release a wide-scale beta of its next Windows Server release, code-named R2. But according to sources, the product is well on its way to being finalized, with packaging, licensing and support details already hammered out.
Source: eWeekR2 is expected to include some new features and functionality, but it won't be much more than Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) plus some of the myriad Windows Server 2003 service packs that the company has shipped since April 2003 (the date it shipped Windows Server 2003), according to Microsoft partners. The ultimate goal with R2, like other "interim" Windows releases, is to allow customers to incorporate it into their environments with relatively little testing, said partner sources who requested anonymity. R2 will be such a relatively minor upgrade, sources said, that Microsoft is planning to swap it for Windows Server 2003 when it ships. The company isn't planning to charge its volume-license customers for the product, and it won't require new client-access licenses (CALs) for R2. (Users will be able to use the Windows Server 2003 ones they already have.)