Folding At Home Releases GUI Client Version 5.03
The 5.03 Windows GUI client has been released on the main download page.
Source: Pande GroupRECENT CHANGES (Client):
5.03 (GUI only):
- Screen saver activation fix
- White text instead of blue
- Revised OpenGL code to handle unusual units better
- Better work unit time/frame estimation
- Fixes a redraw problem found when the main title is turned off
- Fixes issue with p268 and other WUs like it
- Fixes issue with frame time update calculation
- Fixes issues with screen saver activation
- Screen saver redraw and stability fix
OpenGL mod-- this is a fix for video also, thus GUI but can have some anti-Client-hang effects on some computers (did help some folks with hanging clients also, when the hang had to do with OpenGL issues).
The WU fix for project 268 and the like. (On p268 and WUs like, it folding might be smoother, so for tHOSE WUs it also might be a tib faster, but probably not for all WUs.)
The frame time update calc fix might help overall time per WU with amberGS suffix WUs and Amber core and WUs as those come out, also-- especially, and with WUs that run a real long time per frame also, MAYBE (depends on WU and core in part).
For slightly faster folding, many of us use the TEXTUAL client, and dispense with GUI. This takes some GUI load off of XP, and lets you have a service run of the textual client if you want that. To see where the textual client is in a WU and when it is saying, you get to look at your FAHlog.txt file.