eeeek! whats this error about?
Can someone please help me? I click on add new printer and it just comes up with this error saying "Out of Resources" Printer operation could not continue due to lack of resources.. this print subsystem is unavailible! ... even when i try the software it wont let me install it?! Bloody win2k!
Start > Run > Type "Services.msc" without quotes and press enter.
Scroll down to "Print Spooler" and double click it. Set the startup type to automatic and click the start button.
Now, this is all granted that the spooler service isn't running, although it should be. *Something* could have stopped it though for some unknown reason.
Defragg and clean it up.
Start with hooking printer up as parallel printer, see if system is so compromised that the parallel printer drviers will not install. BEFORE you try installing drivers for this printer, remove any duplicate driver sets, seen in safe mode boot adn then the printer manager, one other way that is real fun to figure out, to NOT get a printer working and break your spooler for printing, is to have partly installed or wrong for current OS printer driver install attempts partly installed or fully installed when you try to add yet another driver set. So, before you try the HD and storage EVAL and move to RAM testing, remove all driver sets for the non-working printer only. Win2K can try to load printer drivers that are duplicate, assign resources to each copy of broken driver loads, and and then when drivers do not load sometimes not release the assigned resources. Think of this-- three broken driver attmpts where drivers went partly in, and one full install of drivers, can lead to a situation where the OS actually has up to four times the needed resources hooked up inside, for one printer, and it can run out of resources this way while losing track of the working driver set becasue the spooler cannot map 4X resources to same printer device on same port.
IF the spooler is still broken, IE gets shut down shortly after starting, see below:
Win2K also has issues with real large Hds with one partition only. If you have multiple partitions, one thing you can do is put the swap file on the partition with the most open space on it, but to do so you get to edit the registry in safe mode, then restart and give it one heck of a long time to restart, or get intot he system management and relocate the HD letter location of the HD.
IF you give Win2K too large a physical HD, it might malf and not "see" all of it for resource mapping. This was partly fixed with some components of service packs, partially. IF you have 120 GB "free" then my guess is this:
you have a 160 GB Hd or bigger working in computer. Win2K CAN work with this drive, if you have a minimum of TWO drive letters on the HD, and thus a partition structure like this:
Partition One:
Primary and boot drive, seen typically as C:
Partition Two:
Extended partition, user nomrally does not see this as it is a container for secondary partitions.
Partition Three:
LOGICAL DRIVE partition within the Extended partition.
PArtition Magic 9.0 can help fix this issue, shrink your primary partition raw\actual size to 80 GB or smaller, I tend to use 40 GB for boot partition, max, and use extended part with logical drives for some progams, archive storage, and the swap file in some cases.
Then, in PM, make an extended partition for the rest of the drive.
INSIDE the extended partition, make one or more LOGICAL DRIVE partitions, type NTFS or FAT32, depending on how big you want to go with each and how much HD space you are willing to waste for LOGICAL Partition tables. NTFS can handle bigger logical drives than FAT32 . FAT32 can hadle up to 20-30 GB parts at least, doably. NTFS can handle 60 GB parts or bigger, how much bigger depends on hotfix and service pack levels, and that is one reason to use NTFS. The downside of NTFS is that an older floppy boot disk from 98 SE or 98 cannot then access the data by itself, it needs many utils used in certain ways to help and then access becomes complex although it is still possible.
A storage size or number of root directories or number of entries in a directory violation on a FAT32 drive xcan leave windows unable to use what PM 8.0 and 9.0 can create.
Making 2000 use a FAT32 drive for boot, when that drive is the only drive on a very large HD (say 130 GB or bigger) WILL leave 2000 unable to use mauch of the partition and squirelly also.
I would, at this point, get help. Unless you know how to use Partition Magic in DOS mode from a floppy boot recovery set, that is, or have the ability to know how to image your OS off to another HD that is NOT a USB or Firewire drive, then repartition your main drive, then reload your image (recover image, in other words) back onto the newly base-restructured HD. I'd get a technician familiar with Win2K storage requirements and Partition Magic 8.0 or 9.0 to help you here.
Resources in a virtual-memory enabled OS can be constrained by what the Service PAck or patch level of OS you have, and large HD patches do exist for Win2K but also do not laod when you relaod off of CD unless you have Service Pack CDs or the files slipstreamed to relaod the OS, adn that will typically mean a format. Amount and kind of RAM can also determine resources to a degree, too little or wrong kind or dying RAM can give symptoms that start to appear as you outline, with printer spoolers and drivers not working. Win2K also has been patched for firewire and USB 2.0 issues.
Given that neither drivers nor spooler are working right and you are now clear down here in the print troubleshooting resource I give here, you DO have a problem that is probably not just within Win2K's print service system, unless the computer is ALSO security compromised with a worm or worms oplus maybe trojans or malbots.