Nokia Demos Mobile Call Using IPv6
Nokia has developed a prototype handset that supports Mobile Internet Protocol version 6, a version of the protocol that will help to improve the quality of voice over IP, streaming video, and other applications delivered to wireless devices, the company says.
Source: PC WorldThe technology offers several advantages over its predecessor, IPv4. Most importantly, IPv6 can accommodate a vastly increased number of network addresses, the identifying numbers assigned to devices on a network. New addresses from IPv4 are already in short supply, and the introduction of third-generation phones, with their powerful data capabilities, is only likely to increase demand.
In its booth at the 3G World Congress show this week in Hong Kong, Nokia showed a video clip being streamed to its IPv6 phone, which also supports the current version of the protocol, IPv4. It was the first public demonstration of a call being made to a phone using IPv6, according to Nokia.