Senate Brokers Internet Access Tax Deal

edited November 2004 in Science & Tech
Senate negotiators said late Wednesday afternoon that they had cleared the way for Congress to approve a new Internet access tax moratorium that will ban tariffs on most dial-up and broadband connections for the next four years.
The Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act (S. 150) extends the original Internet Tax Freedom Act of 1998, authored by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Chris Cox (R-Calif.). The moratorium created by that legislation and then extended in 2001 expired last November.

The new legislation renews the grandfather clause in the original act that allows the 10 states taxing dial-up access before 1998 to continue to do so. It also exempts for two years states that began taxing non-dialup access after the original moratorium passed.

"Renewing this law will protect consumers from a host of new Internet taxes on everything from Web access to e-mail and has saved those online businesses from becoming tax collectors for thousands of jurisdictions," Wyden said in a statement. "Banning unfair and discriminatory taxes has worked for the Internet economy."
Source: InternetNews


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