Valve Nabs HL2 Pirates
It appears Valve, creators of the highly anticipated Half Life 2, released a pirated version on the Bittorrent network in order to track those who downloaded it. People caught in this "experiment" will apparently be banned from Valve's 'Steam' online delivery and gaming network.
Source: FileFront
Submitted by: Camman"We're running a bit of an experiment. We're keeping track of the accounts that do this and will be shutting them off." So, as you can see, VALVe Software have released a test "warez" version aimed at catching people out. These people will have their accounts deleted and will be banned from Steam.
Source: FileFront
I heard somebody else say this too, but, my question is, how is it "entrapment" when they never mentioned attempting to pursue any legal action? Surely banning somebody from a service can hardly qualify as a legal action intiated by this "entrapment", and if so, who will they complain to? "oh yeah well I pirated this game so they banned me....oops, I mean..."
i'll let you guys know if this is true or not. and really, if it is, then what? if i eally need to use steam, then i could A) get a new username, or B) get a new NIC so they don't have my MAC and/or IP address. I don't know what the big deal is. I mean how many people use steam only to get HL2 anyways? Do you guys use it for any other reason? I guess this would piss off the CS fanboys, but I could care less.
The game is simply awsome though, GJ valve. Makes doom3 look like childs play
It works by steam sending Valve your cracked account oonce you run the exe (supposedly). It has nothing to do with who seeds you the file.
Not a very bad idea on Valve's part, though, if it's true.
On the other hand, there are other accounts of this story not being true. We'll be sure to follow it to report any significant developments.
Correct me if I'm mistaken but I was under the impression that the game had to "authenticate" before it was playable and that's why people were complaining that you couldn't play the game w/o an internet i dont see how using a software firewall would help you.
"We caught these people trying to pirate the game so we will ban them from steam". Right, so they can't use steam to download or authenticate any future steam games, meaning the only way the people can play games in future is by using a pirated copy that bypasses Steam (activation) as legit copies won't work....
Am I missing anything here?
If anything this punishment policy is just going to drive people that get caught to crack all future steam games because they cant buy em.