GA-7N400 Pro motherboard died, how to save my RAID 0 SATA?

edited November 2004 in Hardware
Hi everybody,

My GA-7N400 Pro motherboard died. There is nothing on the monitor, no initial beep...
Anyway, I have 2 120gb ide hard disks in raid 0 in the Serial Ata controller Silicon Image 3112 (using pata to sata adapters).

I really need to recover some data from the raid 0, and I cannot purchase the same motherboard again because it is discountinued.

How can I save/reload the raid 0?

Would any other motherboard with a silicon image 3112/3114/3512 be able to start the raid 0?

If not, is there any sata raid controller card than can do it?

Thanks a lot in advance


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    There are people 'round here who are lightyears ahead of me in their knowledge of RAID, however I do believe any 3112/3114 RAID controller can boot the drives intact. Better wait for them to show up and confirm.
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