Pest Patrol promoting mywebsearch bar spyware?
OK, so I had to share this, cuz it's too weird. A buddy has an infection that turns out to be MyWebSearch. Enter Pest Patrol to the rescue. At
( PestPatrol has removal instructions, and states (correctly) that is the author of this BHO and hijacker. Now, AskJeeves owns MyWebSearch Bar,,, and all their ugly cousins (see, e.g.,
or which are BHOs and hijackers, difficult to remove spyware, often bundled with other spyware, some of which are unremovable by ordinary mortals. And AskJeeves also runs MaxOnLine, which says at that it's products allow "direct marketers to acquire permission-based information from a consumer during the registration process on the MaxOnline Network of partner websites" a/k/a "steal private information in confusing adware click-thru's and sell victims' e-mail addresses to spammers." There are hundreds of web sites where users complain about the difficulty of removing these AskJeeves properties. OK-the weird part: Pest Patrol not only says Ask Jeeves is the author of the spyware, at, but also, on the same page links to AskJeeves ( as a good search site where you can go for more information. A little careless in the write-up maybe? ... they prob'ly meant to link to claria, or whenU...
( PestPatrol has removal instructions, and states (correctly) that is the author of this BHO and hijacker. Now, AskJeeves owns MyWebSearch Bar,,, and all their ugly cousins (see, e.g.,
or which are BHOs and hijackers, difficult to remove spyware, often bundled with other spyware, some of which are unremovable by ordinary mortals. And AskJeeves also runs MaxOnLine, which says at that it's products allow "direct marketers to acquire permission-based information from a consumer during the registration process on the MaxOnline Network of partner websites" a/k/a "steal private information in confusing adware click-thru's and sell victims' e-mail addresses to spammers." There are hundreds of web sites where users complain about the difficulty of removing these AskJeeves properties. OK-the weird part: Pest Patrol not only says Ask Jeeves is the author of the spyware, at, but also, on the same page links to AskJeeves ( as a good search site where you can go for more information. A little careless in the write-up maybe? ... they prob'ly meant to link to claria, or whenU...