SATA problem, HDD not detected today.
Well its been a couple of days and my Maxtor 300gb is not being detected by my gigabyte 7n400 pro 2 rev1.0 . The thing is that i have been using this hard drive to a couple weeks, ive had problems detecting it before. I would jiggle the cables around and eventually get it to work. Now no luck. ok heres what i have done.
OK so next instead of using onboard SATA I got a SERial ata pci card. Installed it with no problems, my motherboard detected the pci card with drivers no problem. When I connect the SATA HDD it doesnt recognize it on the card connected to my board either. So now i think maybe its my HDD.
I take it out and test the SATA pci card and HDD in 2 other computers and with no extra work besides turning the computers on they detect my Drive.
So my question is how come my drive worked last week with minor problems(wiggle wires) but this week i cant get my board to detect it. 2 other computers detect it with no problems. Board was updated right before i installed the drive. And settings in bios are correct. Sorry for long post. Im bout to take the comp in but i dont think its worth the money.
OK so next instead of using onboard SATA I got a SERial ata pci card. Installed it with no problems, my motherboard detected the pci card with drivers no problem. When I connect the SATA HDD it doesnt recognize it on the card connected to my board either. So now i think maybe its my HDD.
I take it out and test the SATA pci card and HDD in 2 other computers and with no extra work besides turning the computers on they detect my Drive.
So my question is how come my drive worked last week with minor problems(wiggle wires) but this week i cant get my board to detect it. 2 other computers detect it with no problems. Board was updated right before i installed the drive. And settings in bios are correct. Sorry for long post. Im bout to take the comp in but i dont think its worth the money.
I don't mean to warp your thread, I apologize if I am... but I have a similar issue...
Just bought the MAXTOR SATA 300GB HDD w/16MB cache [6B300S0] and my BIOS will not detect it @ all!
MOBO: ASUS P4P800 Deluxe
I am already running [without any problems] a MAXTOR SATA 120GB hdd.
Attempt #1:Tried to plug in the 300GB drive to the SATA2 socket.
Result #1: BIOS does not detect ANY drive, not even the original 120GB drive.
Attempt #2: Tried to plug in the 300GB drive on its' own instead of the 120GB drive.
Result #2: Could not even enter BIOS setup, PC froze after memory count.
Furthermore, I even held the drive in my hand with only the power cable hooked up to it, fired up the machine and felt it spinning, so I doubt it's a power issue.
I also updated the BIOS to the latest version to no avail.
MAXTOR told me to try their POWERMAX software on the drive, I don't know how it will detect it but will give it a go.
Open to suggestions.