What is all that ram that's faster than pc3200 for?
This is something i've never really understood. I used to just think that you buy the fastest ram that your motherboard/FSB can use. Over the last few years (for amd based boards) this went from 266 to 333 and now to 400. I have yet to see a motherboard that lists past 400 so i'm wondering what all these other types of ram that are faster than pc3200 are for. Does it just let you "overclock" easier since its rated faster? For example if i buy pc3500 ram instead of pc3200 does that mean i can clock my ram up to 433 easier whereas that speed might be unstable on pc3200? There's got to be something i'm missing here because otherwise why would anyone buy pc3200 when they could get faster ram for almost the same price?
Your best bet? OCZ Pc3700 Platinum.
DDR2, yes. But not on the ram I posted the graphs on, which is regular DDR, but it is capable of running much faster than the PC3200 specs.