more memory advice
I have an AthlonXP2600m .. I have it running at 16.5x133 (2.2ghz). The reason my FSB is at 133, is because Im using pc2100 that is about as old as the hills as far as ddr goes. I bought it when 2100 first came out, and its just generic crud memory. I cant even up my FSB 2 mhz with getting screwy.
Well, I'd like to run with 200FSB, so I am looking for a good set of 2x512mb sticks. I'm not going to go over 200mhz FSB most likely, so I do not need anything like pc4400. So far I want this:
Any suggestions? Or should I just get the corsair? I am on somewhat of a tight budget here. 200$ is already pushing it.
Well, I'd like to run with 200FSB, so I am looking for a good set of 2x512mb sticks. I'm not going to go over 200mhz FSB most likely, so I do not need anything like pc4400. So far I want this:
Any suggestions? Or should I just get the corsair? I am on somewhat of a tight budget here. 200$ is already pushing it.