IE timing out on large pages

Access_DeniedAccess_Denied tennessee
edited November 2004 in Science & Tech
is there anyway to keep internet exploder from timing out when viewing large pages? i have dialup and sometime it may take a while before the page finishes *mumbles something about the babe thread* and about halfway thru loading the pictures it times out,says its done but the pics are only halfway finished if that. i cant tell it to show picture because it only will load the part it loaded before. i was wondering if theres a registry key i need to edit or whatnot to just tell it to keep on goin untill its truly finished


  • Access_DeniedAccess_Denied tennessee
    edited November 2004
    comeon people you all are geniouses i know someone has to know how to fix this
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    I would swtich to FireFox. IF in fact you adjust the timeout setting in IE, it might be looking for more data and not detect that the page is done in reality, and what you probably need to adjust instead is the MTU and other network settings, to tune them for modem surfing. THAT is not something doen lightly, it is complex to do, and some of the tuners work while some result in new driver installs and completely resetting networking unless you are VERY good at that.

    What I get here, on broadband, is delays in the google server feeding ads, less than slow graphics per se, but I do not use IE. An IE with a full cache can do this also, and malware on computers can do this. I would simply switch browsers for now, until you can get the computer security scanned and run Disk Cleanup. IF you have a problem where downloading FireFox is a problem, MozSource does sell CDs with FireFox on them, and even guidebooks for FireFox. FireFox will be faster than IE at doing many browsing things, and not load Widnwos with tasks as much as IE does.
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