Directions to Registry Editor(Windows XP)?
I'm trying to figure out how to get to my registry editor on my comp, can someone please help me? I've got Windows XP SP2. I'm also wondering how I can access my Trusted Sites in the Security section under Internet Options. It's greyed out(where it says: Sites...) I should be able to open that up but somethings keeping me from looking in there.
I don't have a solution, but why do you need access to trusted sites?
I have a dvd that boots and inbtalls XP with SP2 and Office XP and Nero and Photoshop and tons of other crap. Its all automatic and the only thing you enter is the disk/partition to install to. All other options like the cd key and computer name/workgroup etc... all come from a answer file. It's awesome.
But if you just extract the original XP cd to a directory and extract the sp2 servivce pack to another directory I'll send you some bat files that will combione them and create a new iso for ya. You just have to edit the directorys in the vay file to match yours.
Tex is asking you if you want to make your CD XP w/SP2.
Do you know how to copy the files from the original XP cd to a directory on your hard disk? If so do that.
Do you have the full sp2 file doewnloaded from MS? If not do that and I'll tell ya how to extract the files from that also.
If you do not know how to do either post back and I'll help ya do them.