Com freezes on HP mobo load screen....attempting new HD install

edited November 2004 in Hardware
Hey i have been the one with very bad boot probs for some time and eventually gave in a bought a new hd. Now i set it up as a master put it in and started com with windows xp jus hangs on the HP mobo load screen....wont get into anything or go further...any help greatly appreciated.


  • edited November 2004
    Alright my problem was that i had the jumper on master/slave but had taken the slave out.....well now that i got windows installed it locked up on the please wait windows screen after the moving blue bar screen. So i eventually had to restart and then it locked i went to windows recovery and did a chkdsk and fixboot and it allowed me to login as Admin. But it was kinda laggy....Now it loads to the login screen but freezes right when it gets there. I am 99.9% sure it not ram....i know it aint mobo or processor....but i just trying a new hd so idk what could be the prob.
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