Internet browser stops connecting.

Not sure which cat this falls under but here goes.
When I go to my web site and do a database back up, I DNL it to a network drive, right after the DNL is completed a copy window pops up momentarily showing that its copying from, I assume, a temp dir to the actual dir that I chose but thats not all that improtant...
Anyhoo, after the DNL is done my browser will not connect and load pages.
If I reboot then its fine and one other interesting thing that I found out is that even thoguh I can not use a browser for the net my messenger programs seem to work fine.
No virus or trojans in the system all is fine there....
My guess is its something like Telnet shutting down the port or something like that. Might be security related, however I'm not sure what to look for?
Also, I don't see where you can reinstall/repair IE anymore on my system... XP Pro SP2 installed on Dell Lappy Inspiron 8600
When I go to my web site and do a database back up, I DNL it to a network drive, right after the DNL is completed a copy window pops up momentarily showing that its copying from, I assume, a temp dir to the actual dir that I chose but thats not all that improtant...
Anyhoo, after the DNL is done my browser will not connect and load pages.
If I reboot then its fine and one other interesting thing that I found out is that even thoguh I can not use a browser for the net my messenger programs seem to work fine.
No virus or trojans in the system all is fine there....
My guess is its something like Telnet shutting down the port or something like that. Might be security related, however I'm not sure what to look for?
Also, I don't see where you can reinstall/repair IE anymore on my system... XP Pro SP2 installed on Dell Lappy Inspiron 8600
You have XP with SP2, and IE 6.0 SP2, right??? Now, are you using IE to download and synchronize to and from your website??? Or are you using an FTP client???
There are three ways you could get this if you use IE on a server set up to do this with FTP. One is that IE does not know how to do true FTP, it likes HTTPable FTP. So, let's say you use IE and it works. If the server on the other end is nto configured right for HHTPable FTP, then you can get a hung connect left open when the files are completely sent, until that server "hangs up" on the connect it thinks you still want open until no activity happens from your end for a while and the server there hangs up. Some ISPs limit how many connects you can have open on the web. And, until the connect is ended, you might not have another connect that you can use.
To eliminate that, try using FireFox, Mozilla, FTP Voyager or another regular FTP client, or in other words use ANYTHING BUT IE to send and get files to a web site host server unless your hosting provider says you HAVE to use IE. FTP clients tell the FTP server to hang up correctly, IE does not.
This could also be networking, but for the IE upload and download triggering this without other things also being effected, I think that it is an IE to non-HTTPable FTP (or partially implemented HHTPable-FTP) host server connect. Testing by using an FTP client for this will do two things: First, pure FTP uses two different ports than port 80 or port 8080 that is used for HTTP. quite a few FTP servers have in thier docs NOT to use IE, and this is why. They are set up to use different ports to converse with FTP clients than IE does. many FTP servers now check to see if a person tryign to download is using IE and refusing to talk to IE, for just this reason. They refuse to use port 80 or port 8080. Second, because you are not using HTTP ports at all with an FTP client set up right, port 80 and port 8080 should be not hung up with a connection that has not timed out, for a while after you transfer files. THUS, IE should be able to use those ports. IF in fact you cannot get a trial of FTP Voyager to work with your server, you need to talk to your host provider and confirm that you can use such (FTP is common enough that any ISP should allow that), and if not then you need to look at networking in detail, and firewall settings and AV settings.
I go the admin side of my bulletin board I use VBulletin and I chose to back up my database from the VB admin. I select all the catagories and then click on backup.
A box comes up asking where to save to, if I am on my Laptop useing IE I direct it to save the file on a mapped drive on a different computer on my network.
After the file gets done downloading it brings up a copy window and shows the progress of the file being copied to the other computer then after it gets done, only takes a few seconds, the progress window disappears and then I lose the ability to get to the internet useing IE browser until I reboot the laptop, then all is good again. However if I don't reboot and if I wanted to use my AIM. or MSN service I still can use them even though I can not connect to the net with the browser until a reboot.
Its just got to be a setting or something...
I would try a repair of IE 6 but I can not find it in the control pannel in the add remove programs where it used to be.
I don't have this problem with any other computer on my network, just my laptop which is wireless.