Password Protecting A Folder...
I recently placed my bible music folder in my quick launch... Just in case anyone was to get onto my computer I would rather they not have access, see it. Is there anyway i can password protect the folder?
This is a very religious group, apparently. I've seen more than one person here collecting bible music. I used to listen to Stryper, but have become more of a Maranantha Singer's fan of late. Why would you want to deny others access to your Christian music?
That was hilarious.
Al why do you so desparately need to have your "Bible Music" ready and available at the click of one button?
Hey, I like "Bible Music" as much as the next guy but if you need one click access, then something may be wrong.
There are many addiction websites out there, you may need to check them out.
That was equally hilarious. Sometimes a guy needs a quick fix. Hiding it in the win sys folder can take a while to find.
CaffeineMe's suggestion is your best bet, followed by keeping it all inside a password-protected zip file.
[21:20] NV7223098: I'm not cal-i, but i did stay in a holiday inn express last night.
[08:55] NV7223098: I am eath.
[13:34] NV7223098: Sorry Dog. I don't make love to turtles in the summer.
what does it all mean?
hey al ... i kno ur there, don't pretend like you are "afk"
Well, basicly i want bible music to be encrypted, yet ready in a click for bragging rights. Of course there is the part of me that is steadily changing by way of puberty and the sight of TheSMJ's signature throttles my need for bible music.
Being random is an art in which few can understand. It's a combination of the wrong words at the wrong time. Wait a tick... wtf am i talking about? Hey isn't my new avatar groovy ?
emperor croc (12:54:05 AM): OMG I ****ED THIS GUY LAST NIGHT HIS ASS WAS SO TIGHt
So have we helped you hide your pr0n or what?
Something along the lines of:
Who's going to look then?
If it's encryption you want Kremlin Encryption is danged good. And just the way you like it - "ready in a click".
Now that I'm 18, my rents can't stick **** to me!
Open a cmd console and head to the folder which your bible folder is located. I usually have my misc. stuff stored in like C:\Templars crap or whatever.
Anyway, type attrib +s +h foldername, while obviously replacing foldername of your own. Now, for it to work, go turn on Hide Protected Operating system files in Folder options -> View. You can leave show hidden files off, it'll still work.
As you might have guessed, this flags your folder to something similar, if not alike, to an Operating system file. Unless Hide Protected Operating system files is off and Show Hidden files is on, then no one will be able to see your files (Tested on WinXp, but works down to 98; you need show hidden files turned off for 98 and 2k I think, as they don't have the option to Show Operating System Files. This also hides the file from a simple "dir" command in the cmd window. If you use "dir/a" though, your folder will show up. That's when you want to have a name that blends with its surroundings (I'm 18, so it isn't illegal and my parents wouldn't care anyway, which is why I leave my crap laying around the C:\ Drive). What's even cooler is that Windows gives you a warning dialogue when you try to turn it off, which can scare most PC newbies into thinking they might break your machine, especially if they have a history with such an action
You can use any of the other methods mentioned in here in combination with this method to give you better security, especially file permissions if you have more than one user on your PC.
And locking your PC when you leave it for more than 10 minutes is also a good idea. A passworded screensaver is a real help until you get in the habit of hitting Winkey + L.