Blue Screen

edited November 2004 in Hardware
I have a computer that will boot to the windows screen then I get a blue screen stating fatal error 0E 0167:BFFC9750 When you hit control alt delete the options come up for safe mode. When I go into 3 safe mode I get a blue screen stating fatal error 0E 0167:BFFC7AF4. The person using this computer is doing a lot of research of a family tree, so she is using a lot of search menues. She says that her computer has been running really slow with a lot of pop ups. The operating system is a Windows 98 second edition.
Can anyone help



  • edited November 2004
    I'm 99.9% sure she needs to reinstall Windows 98. Better yet, upgrade to WinXP while she's at it.
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited November 2004
    If hes running windows 98 chances are hes under 1ghz and has less the 256mb of ram

    i strongly recomend agenst windows 98 if your machine is less then 1ghz and has less then 256mb of ram
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