Finally Cracked 12000 in 3dMark 03
I've had problems overclocking my 6800nu, it would softmod fine but overclocking was a problem. 350 on the core and about 750 mem. Now I know that the memory was rated at 2.2ns so should theoretically be able to do 850mhz but I was getting no where near that.
I had flashed the bios to change the voltages but still had no real success, so I started reading up over at guru3d and found a threads where by people had got success by flashing the bios to higher speeds as well as volts.
I downloaded some blokes modded bios for my Leadtek card. flashed and bang, straight away, my card can do 400 on the core & 875mhz on the memory!!. This is amazing, no artifacts, no tearing, no throttling. I don't know what was holding it back previously, especially on the memory side of things as I dont think putting more volts through the core (1.5v now) should affect the memory.
Anyways this is my 3dMark 03 with the core at 425mhz, memory at 900mhz & fsb at 250
I had flashed the bios to change the voltages but still had no real success, so I started reading up over at guru3d and found a threads where by people had got success by flashing the bios to higher speeds as well as volts.
I downloaded some blokes modded bios for my Leadtek card. flashed and bang, straight away, my card can do 400 on the core & 875mhz on the memory!!. This is amazing, no artifacts, no tearing, no throttling. I don't know what was holding it back previously, especially on the memory side of things as I dont think putting more volts through the core (1.5v now) should affect the memory.
Anyways this is my 3dMark 03 with the core at 425mhz, memory at 900mhz & fsb at 250
When I did that it was at 2.5g @250fsb my new score is now just over 12500 on a 2.65g @265 fsb.
Whats your max o/c on your card Gnome? Cos if your getting over 12000 with no soft mod there's something seriously fast in your system.
That'll explain it then, nice oc.
My winnie is no where near stable past about 2.6g. Now please softmod your card & put me out of my misery