Gigabyte K8NNXP SATA Issue

edited December 2004 in Hardware
Guys- please lend me a hand I am about to shoot myself in the EYE. I have a GB K8NNXP, with 1 Gig of ram, SB Audigy Z Sound card, ATI 9800 AIW, 300 Gig SATA drive. I am building my very own DVR. This is the issue I am having:

The SATA drive would be noticed during the POST, however when XP loaded up it wouldn’t find the drive. OK I loaded the driver onto a floppy and after about 10 different drivers it found on it liked. Great! I installed XP and then it got weird.

When I look in Device manager the SATA driver is a big “?” so I install my other drivers and reboot lots, just because. So I went to and downloaded every driver that was for an AMD chip. I slowly tried each one, and each one resulted in the same exact problem. Reboot > POST > Welcome to XP………….Reboot > POST > Last known good config. Don’t understand how even the driver that I used to install windows didn’t work. What is also very perplexing to me is that XP needed the driver to see then dive during install, however when XP is installed and there is no driver it CAN see the SATA drive. HUH???

Anyway last night I used as one of my resources, and did everything suggested in the post. Any help would be great as I want to tape some friggin TV shows.

Also if this craps out and I end up sending it back, does anyone have any suggestions for another board? I was looking at the AOPEN N250A-FR or DFI "LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb. Let me know, thanks



  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited December 2004
    try updating that bios if that fails get a new board
    ASUS or that dfi i recomend agenst the nforce 3 chipset because eveyone i know with one is having some sort of problem be it :S
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