download.trojan - Is there more?
My anti virus program Norton, finds "download.trojan" on my system, says it quarantens it but keeps showing up. Could I have another virus and not know it? Is there a way to check whether I do if Norton isn't picking up on it? I have done what Microsoft and Norton say to do to get rid of the virus, but has had no impact on its removel. Can anyone help or suggest something for me to try and rid my computer of this problem?

I ran Norton Antivirus - it said it could not delete the file
I tried to go to the file location and delete it but it says:
"Cannot delete 2dm3d.dll: Access is denied
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use"
I made sure that nothing was running when I did this and my task manager was empty...
I disabled system restore, updated the norton antivirus
Re-started the computer in safe mode
Re-ran the norton antivirus
Attempted to manually delete the file but could not
Deleted all references to the file and to "downloader trojan" in the registry
Re-ran Norton antivirus (still in safe mode) and it still had the virus
Stayed in safe mode and ran Ad-Aware SE Personal - it did not find that virus but it found other junk
Got out of safe mode, re-ran Norton and it was still there and still couldn't be deleted
I tried to delete it manually again but got the same "access denied" message
I re-did all the same stuff with safe mode, but nothing has worked ... the virus continues to plague me. :bawling: Please, please, please help me... I am desperate to get rid of this thing!
Thank you!
feel free to AOL IM me if you want to: SweetLD2155
Plus I'm still getting that annoying pop up saying that Norton "Unable to repair this file" and when I click ok to that it says "Access to the file was denied" and continuously toggles back and forth between the two! UGH!
When I tried to do that Shift + Delete (in safe mode) that you said it gave me the same message as before
"Cannot delete 2dm3d.dll: Access is denied
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use"
What else can I do?
in the normal mode and safe mode i deleted the said affected file. but in vain. the affefected file is being created again and again. i am using windows 2000.
any solution from you?