Computer won't POST, have beep code
Alright, my friend tried putting more memory in his comp. but things didnt work out and now the computer won't boot. the code is 3-1-4-3 on an HP xt963 computer, I think it's an AMI Bios. I've tried reseating the ram several times, between 3 different sticks.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
HP's link to the manual for that model doesn't work either...
Try removing all the cards except the video card. (Make sure you unplug the computer first!) Then try to reset the bios using the jumper on the motherboard. Make sure all your drives are connected properly as well.
I'd like to help more, but without even a manual to go by it's kind of tough. Any other info you can provide may be of help.
Good Luck!
What model Asus MB is it?
Any idea which one you have? I've never liked HP's site. Now I'm being reminded why... They don't even list a motherboard under their replacement parts list. Not that I think you need a new one, I was just hoping to narrow things down.
Sadly, it looks like you are not alone in having this problem.
Did you try removing all of the cards except Video? (LAN, Sound, whatever)
I think he is going to have me buy him a new one, for around 300-400 dollars. Too bad no good deals are going on right now
FOR AMI, 3-1-4 (repating three digit beep code loop) is again a RAM error, or possible PSU or RAM socket failure code.
When diaging issues like this, I tend to look at RAM sockets for dust down in them, or cat hair, that kind of thing. Once I found a tiny piece of brown wrapping paper jammed down in a RAM socket. Also, the socket 370 boards sometimes would not take more than 64 MB stick per socket, and sometimes only TWO of those, with one in socket one and one in socket 3 if four socket board. Even seen boards that would only take max of 32 MB sticks per socket. SO, how much RAM are you trying to total up to in that computer??? AND if you reboard that computer, PLAN on a better PSU and case, sorry to say. HP and Dell and Compaq all used very limited and sometimes also custom-wired PSUs in that age of box and in earlier boxes.
Known many folks to stumble across that catch-22 set, as this is often an undoced thing as far as PSU customization goes.