ABIT NF7-S Freezing in bios???
I'm building an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ System and my motherboard is an ABIT NF7-S with 512MB of DDR memory, and it crashes after being on about 30 seconds or restarts if your not in the BIOS. Im not sure if the CPU is getting warm because before it crashed, I was in the BIOS setup, and I watched the cpu status and at about 62 degrees farenheit the system was frozen, so Ive tried the memory in another system, didnt have any problems, the motherboard is brand new, however, the bios is the stock one from the factory. and my video card is a Radeon 9250 8X AGP with 128MB of DDR. so what im wondering is, is the cpu bad?? should I replace it? or does the motherboard really need a bios update? or?!? im not really sure. anyones help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
test it in a diffrent computer with mem test x86