
edited December 2004 in Science & Tech
I know here at my school we have the program named Bess, (which for all that dont know it, it blocks "inapporpriate sites", which by the way is retarded). I was just wondering for my personal use is there is a way to get around this program. And from what I hear the schools got a real tight secruity on the computers. So is there any way I can get around it with out being noticed. Thanks for anyones help.


  • edited December 2004
    Oh yea I think its named as a ?proxy filter?. And I have seen a Japenese site that you can use,(but its in all Japenese.)
    I will have to get back with the name of the site.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    This question gets asked regularly.. and you will always get the same response...

    No. Don't risk it. They will know.
    The answer is no.

    Also, circumventing it will have your access removed. Admins monitor traffic in all institutions and will not be happy when they see that traffic flowing

    Don't risk it, admins won't listen or care, they will just pull your plug
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    The only thing you'll do is make them angry and risk having your account locked out, besides it's a school resource..personal use isn't exactly what it is meant for.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    BESS in fact can have its own server home and lock you out by itself if you try to go to too many blocked sites. If it does, your school's IT department will get a notify with where you tried to go included, along with time and date and what computer in school network you used to try and go there from. Expect your teacher to be all over you if this happens and also your grades (and possibly even your rights to go to school) to reflect the problems that result.

    So, please do not try to bypass it unless your teacher makes learning how an exercise for you-- not likely at all, as you would need domain admin networking setup modification privileges to do so probably (and you would have to crack the system security to get those, this is only allowed if the school wants to conduct penetration testing, and that is usually done by specialists in system security with 5-10 years experience under carefully controlled and supervised circumstances). IF you really want to know how to do this kind of thing, set up a home LAN and study how to secure it, please. A supervised penetration survey is one thing, but bypassing this would be considered system hacking\cracking activity. Some schools suspend or expel students that try to bypass this kind of filtering repeatedly.

    I'll tell you whyb this is being done, also:

    Schools have a limited number of IT folks, sometimes only one of them for two-three schools. IF that IT person has to be reloading computers because of virals spread inside the school LAN from one computer that gets infected, that same person cannot be improving things for you as far as getting to resources you need to learn. Over half the school infections come from things not virus scanned or scanned with old definitions beign put in one computer by accident or for revenge for something not liked by a student. I have helped, even as an IT (Computer Electronics Tech course, ending up with a Comptia cert and a Cisco Academy two year curriculum completion)adult student, clean up three school computer labs which had even floppies passing viruses-- the kicker was, one of the teacher's stations had to be reloaded also, and not all the things the teacher had on that box were recoverable. A whole LAB lost internet privileges, and three students exited the CET program prematurely as they in fact bypassed BESS by literally rewiring a router to feed boxes from the outside to get stuff from the web without making sure the boxes even had AV on them in the first place-- they were caught by being both watched and having other LAN security stuff report unusual Internet traffic (Intrusion Detect systems triggered).

    Only 60 computers were involved in this problem, but one floppy that was infected got a virus on 15 computers which meant all the software and all the operating systems had to be wiped and the HDs zero packed, and then reloaded-- at about 2-7 hours of work per computer, plus every student and teaching material floppy had to be virus scanned. School IT was busy keeping the walls against virals from outside up and functional. This was at Charlotte County, FL, Public schools over two and a half years ago. They then adopted a policy that read like this: first offense, student ID gets pulled and student gets VERY limited computer privs at all. Second Offense, 10 day suspension, automatic. Third Offense, expulsion for remainder of year. THER WERE NEVER any internal fourth offenses by same student.

    Figured you might want to know "why not" as well as KNOWING now that "This is a just-say-NO thing."
  • edited December 2004
    Wow... Yea I know they are VERY serious about that kind of stuff. I wasnt planning on doing hacking or messing up anything.. The question was just out of curiousity. But thanks on that extra reminder.

    Funny thing is that a kid in one of my classes, just got his rights taken from using the computers because he accendently fliped the screen and couldnt get it back to normal.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    I found a bug in the older versions of Bess (I don't know the version number), however if you convert your intended web address to hex and placed that into the browser instead of its ASCII representation, Bess would be bypassed.

    Use at your own risk; don't say you weren't warned.
  • EMTEMT Seattle, WA Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    Yeah my old school system (back in high school) used Bess before I left. I don't remember that much about it. It seems possible that (like, IIRC) it would work fine if you browsed a site by its IP address rather than by its domain name. Actually, I wrote a proxy program myself as well. For some reason it didn't feel very risky - no one got "busted" probably because Bess was run at the county's central office and the admins who'd do anything to you were at our school.
  • GobdGobd Seattle, WA
    edited December 2004
    Most simple way is find the sites IP address, then convert that into hexadecimal code. Entering that into IE seems to be the only browser that it works for. This worked for me for maybe two weeks before the school caught on and fixed that rather large hole the filter.

    One easy way is to install another browser (I prefer Firefox) and edit the general options to include connecting to the internet with a working proxy. Get the proxy addy from a non-bess filtered computer.

    You can also search google (some have better luck with Altavista) for start cgi-proxy or anything else like that to find cgi proxy pages. They are normally titled npg-proxy.cgi or something. Most will be blocked but if you find a working on then you're set.

    Another way is to install the circumventor and acess your home (un-filtered) computer from the filtered location. This is what I do sometimes but it is rather slow because my home upload is only 30KB/s I imagine this places huge security holes in the host computer since it is essentially just a server but I turn it off whenever I don't plan on accessing it.

    There is a program called JAP , I imagine it would run from a USB stick if you had one. I compressed it and hacked it up to allow it to fit perfectly on a disk but disks are too slow. I didn't have the patience.

    Hope it helped, the Bess at my shcool is becoming increasingly hard to bypass and I pretty much just don't do it and wait until I arrive home for the day.
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited December 2004
    Wow. Now he's got a gadjillion ways to get busted, lol.

    We have the 8e6 Technologies filter at our school, on top of our sysadmins' filters. Thing is strict, due to the No Child Left Behind Act. No humor, ANY site that says (ANYWHERE) "buy" or "sell" or any variants. A friend and I used a proxy when we needed to search for pictures for the school newspaper (not making excuses - we just needed to get it done right then) and never again. They've filtered any and all proxies now. Someone told me that you can proxy through the email server, but I dunno how valid, if at all, that is. I highly doubt it.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited December 2004
    Most schools wont let you install anything. So no firefox. Not even close.

    Install WinVNC at home. Port forward the ports it uses to your computer. Type in your home address's IP:Port I think it is or something and you can browse the internet at home and have it show up on your computer.

    Ive seen idiots at school do that. Its not that hard to find instructions on the internet. But thats the jist of it. It will be slow and laggy but if it was like our schools t1 line it was slow anyway.
  • edited December 2004
    well not that i condone anything bad... but i used to carry either a thumb drive or a cd with a live run linux distro on it and voila. reboot into linux and do whatever the hell you want. nobody can know, just reboot the bastard when you go to leave. of course, none of our computers had bios passwords, most dont esp because there are never many lab 'assistants' or general it folk, for that matter. plus no virii, spywayre, all that bs. it's the best way, to get around a lot of things, but this bess sounds like some sort of traffic filter. you need an outside proxy. i never had to deal with that crap though.
  • GobdGobd Seattle, WA
    edited December 2004
    mmonnin wrote:
    Most schools wont let you install anything. So no firefox. Not even close.

    Install WinVNC at home. Port forward the ports it uses to your computer. Type in your home address's IP:Port I think it is or something and you can browse the internet at home and have it show up on your computer.

    Ive seen idiots at school do that. Its not that hard to find instructions on the internet. But thats the jist of it. It will be slow and laggy but if it was like our schools t1 line it was slow anyway.

    My school lets me install stuff :) The Peacefire cirumventor is much like WinVNC would be except meant specificly for this purpose. Let me tell ya, I'm an expert at bypassing Bess at school and not getting caught. I have friends in tech support class.

    CD drives at our school aren't bootable so that wouldn't work for me. I suppose since I can get into the bios if the mobo supports it I could set that right.

    mmonninn nice to see your name. I doubt you remember me but I was here the day this site was started and just came back sort of :) I like how the place has grown up. How is the new Icrontic doing? Never been since the split.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2004
    Gobd! I remember that name from the milestone forum. :thumbsup:

    When you gonna come back to Team 93? :D
  • GobdGobd Seattle, WA
    edited December 2004
    I quit F@H for a while, coming back here I want to get started again. Give me a few days to get the service started and folding. I know I'm close to 50k points :) I remember your name too profdlp! Hiya.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited December 2004
    I remember the name, Gobd. Good to see ya back.
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited December 2004
    My school used Bess, sometimes a proxy thing would get around it, sometimes not. I just decided it wasn't worth the effort on a school computer. But I don't understand how you would get caught bypassing it, I have and others have too (bypassed it, not got caught, oh never got caught, ;D ). Of course we didn't have to log in with our names or anything, we just log in as "student"
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited December 2004
    Ah. We each have our own account. One of my friends got inside and figured out some ... things. There's around 4 layers of protections on each account. By protections I mean keylogger, time stamper, page history, what you're doing in what program at what time, etc, etc. It sucks.
  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited December 2004
    mmonnin wrote:
    Most schools wont let you install anything. So no firefox. Not even close.

    If you cant install....theres always portable firefox, found here.

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