NEW HijackThis 1.99 Final Released
Birmingham, UK
A new version of the popular browser hijackers detector and remover, HijackThis, has been released.
Download: HijackThis 1.99 Final (193KB)
Download: HijackThis 1.99 Final (193KB)
Source: Richarthelionhearted.comHijackThis is a general homepage hijackers detector and remover. It scans for all objects which may be affiliated with Web Browser activity. StartList scans the system for all objects that are in all startup sections of the registry. It is continually updated to detect and remove new hijacks. It does not target specific programs/URLs, just the methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites.
-Added O23 method: NT Services, which lists all (non-disabled, non-Microsoft) services
-Added 'Action taken' info to 'More info on this item' dialog.
-Integrated ADS Spy into HijackThis, 'Misc Tools' section.
-Added Spybot-like intro frame for first-time users with access to common tasks.
-Added /autolog commandline parameter to automatically scan, save a logfile and open it.
-Fixed bug when item with IP in a Trusted Zone entry (O15) wasn't fixed.
-Added 'Trusted IP ranges' to O15 method.
-Updated Ignorelist, Backups list and Process manager to allow multiple selected items.
-Fixed bug where a hosts file with inproper linebreaks would hang HijackThis.