advice on printer specs
I need to buy a new printer and wonder if anyone who knows about printers can tell me whether the feature I want is available. I'd like to be able to easily print long documents out of page number sequence, for pages to be read in "book" form. Here is the situation: I have a, say, 4 page manuscript. I'd like to be able to set up a printed page so it is double sided, with two pages of the manuscript per side. On the first side, I'd like pages 1 and 4 of the manuscript to print, and on the second side, pages 2 and 3 of the manuscript. The printed page will be folded in the middle, so the finished product is like a pamphlet or book with pages that "face" one another, and when you flip through it from front cover to back, the pages are in sequence, pages 1-4. OK, here's the issue: the manuscript is actually 200 pages long. I'd like to be able to set the printer one time to print all the pages following the sequence described above 1,4/2,3, so the second printed page will be manuscript pages 5,8/6,7, the third is 9,12/10,11, etc. The older printer that I now have can't do this. Every single printed page has to be set. I'd like a new printer that can be set to follow this sequence in printing the entire manuscript, so I don't have to baby-sit the printing. Is this ability available in today's printers? If so, do you know what it's called or what I should be looking for in printer specs? I've talked to three different printer sales people and received three different answers to these questions, so any help would be much appreciated.