Cool tip of the day... How to fix bent bins on a cpu
I swear I think I have tried every way imaginable and I found the best way I think.
The pins are differant thickness depending on what cpu it is so you may need to try various sizes but next time try using a mechanical pencil. They come in various sizes based on the thickness of the lead inside. I keep three around now and they handle almost anything perfectly. Dump out the lead and slide the end the lead used to be dispensed from over the pin and GENTLY AND SLOWLY bend it back straight. The better (snugger) fit you get with the pin in the tip of the mech. pencil the easier this seems to be.
The pins are differant thickness depending on what cpu it is so you may need to try various sizes but next time try using a mechanical pencil. They come in various sizes based on the thickness of the lead inside. I keep three around now and they handle almost anything perfectly. Dump out the lead and slide the end the lead used to be dispensed from over the pin and GENTLY AND SLOWLY bend it back straight. The better (snugger) fit you get with the pin in the tip of the mech. pencil the easier this seems to be.
That sounds like a damn good idea for straightening bent pins though.
I had tried knives and pins and tiny pliars etc... I used his idea on a opteron (and they are teeny tiny) and it was just awesome. So I tried again on a old duron I had laying around and again AWESOME.