Wal-Mart And Linspire Offer $498 Laptop
Wal-Mart and Linspire announced on Monday that they are now offering a basic Linux laptop for under US$500, the first laptop to be offered new below that price point.
Source: GEEK.comThe Balance laptop has a VIA C3 processor at 1.0GHz, 128 MB of RAM, a 30 GB hard drive, a CD-ROM drive, and a 14-inch screen.
The installed operating system is the Linux distro Linspire 4.5 (formerly Lindows), and the computer comes with typical Lindows software offerings. The installed Internet application and e-mail client is Mozilla (not Firefox/Thunderbird), and OpenOffice is the default office productivity software suite. The computer also comes with a subscription to Lindows' CNR service for three months, which gives users one-click installations for over 1,900 programs.
I'm getting that right, right?