tcith Quashes A Quarter-Million!!!

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited December 2004 in Milestones
tcith jumped into Folding with both feet and has never missed a step. It is with great pleasure that Team 93 acknowledges his latest big milestone.

Congrats on 250,000 points!

:thumbsup::fold: :ausflag: :ausflag: :ausflag:


  • tcithtcith Sydney, Australia Member
    edited December 2004
    Yay 250k before Xmas and today I go on holidays till the 11 Jan

    Prof - thank you very much the Koala he is gorgeous! :thumbsup:

    I am on holidays from work, but not from Short-media.

    The one great thing about living in a city like Sydney, I live in a holiday destination that people from around the world flock to at this time of year. So why go anywhere else when they are coming here to visit me! :cool:

    Sydney in summer is beaches, parties, BBQ's - we have one of the worlds biggest fireworks shows, on one of the worlds most beautiful harbours for New Years eve. I'll be there with bells on.

    All I can see are english and swedish and other European backpackers crowding the bars and lots of friendly yankies flashing their yankie dollars and remarking on how cheap everything is and how fresh all the food is and how cold all the beer is. (and how it makes them drunk faster than their local brew)

    I love this city in Summer ......

    So...... happy commercial bastardisation, of a christian corruption, of a good old pagan festival, to you and yours.

    You folks up North, while you all warm your hands at an open fire, think of us poor bastards here in the southern hemisphere having to spend hours and hours at the beach and drink litres (thats metric for your "merkins" ;D ) of beer just to keep cool... God we suffer :D

    P.S the folding farm has been set back to rights and full production as of today, I was so distressed at the drop off in points - the move to new premises did not go smoothly - I am pathetic nerd, the office is on Xmas shutdown and I went around at 8pm tonight checking that folding was going well and that all the machines where being left on during the break, it took over an hour. I may yet go in and do a maintence check in a week or so ... folding is too damn addictive .......... I am the boss there and folding has become a part of work, I have even encouraged staff to fold on their own home machines ........ I have all my awards and points (including the plaque) printed and framed above my desk in my office and offen get asked their significance, yet another opportunity to convert another potential folder.

    Thankyou short-media for fixing my faulty laptop (the reason I found the site in the 1st place) and cheers to all the new friends I have made here - this forum has to be one of the most congenial I have ever participated in - hmm I guess I am getting gushy as I have had too much Xmas cheer at the Xmas party ... Aussies like a drink on a hot day, a cold day oh damn it any day ...... :rolleyes:

    I won't say Happy New Year yet, as I should be online here drinking and ranting before then ......

    thanks again for the recognition, it does make it worthwhile

    Fold on team 93, short-media and the Aussies :ausflag:
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited December 2004
    Now that is one huge milestone in a very short time.

    Congrats on a terrific effort Ian. Top stuff.

    Enjoy your XXXX, carlton cold, reches, old, new, flag ale, swan, vb or whatever your poison is during your break.

    For now a merry Aussie Christmas to ya.

    Jon & Sally
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2004
    I have been in partial limbo for the last week, (home visiting the old folks), but I have something to add to this thread, no matter how belatedly.

    I was giving my normal stump speech about Folding, and how everyone should encourage their friends to support the project. (Don't worry, Team 93 was mentioned frequently.) I told my nieces (age 23, 22, 18, and 17) to spread the good word and thought it might be a good idea to show them how much fun we have along the way. They were impressed that I had teammates in exotic places like Australia. (Exotic to us bumpkins here in the US, anyway. :D )

    I showed them a few pics from our "Who Are You" and "S-M Yearbook" threads, then figured I'd really make the point by showing them the cute Koala picture.

    They were all "ooh" and "ahh", and "Oh, he's so cute", "what a darling", "blah blah blah" (girly talk expunged). I was feeling pretty good about my sales pitch until one of them said "the bear is cute, too".

    I think they like you, tcith. :D
  • tcithtcith Sydney, Australia Member
    edited December 2004
    What's not to like? :D

    I'm a 186cm (6ft1) solid built Aussie (96kg - have no idea what that is in pounds) hairy chested, very thick solid legs with a deep voice and currently sporting a short beard and very short cropped hair - think "Canadian lumberjack" look :cool:

    ..... but alas I am also taken other half is Brazilian (been here in Australia 6 to 7 years now and has taken Australian citizenship)
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