Help with chkdsk
Hello all, I hope this is in the correct place, I'm having a little bit of trouble my computer will restart everynow and again and also will display corrupt file warnings, this happened this morning. My HD has 9 corrupt files which I'm a trying to fix using chkdsk, it picks them up but then says "chkdsk cannot continue in read only mode" I have had a look for a solution but if the truth be told I don't really know what I am doing. Could someone please let me know how to change chkdsk to I presume write mode but I'm not too sure of the implications associated with this. Happy for any advice on the above or a different way of fixing.
Thanks, Dan.
Thanks, Dan.
type this for c drive
chkdsk c: /f
most likely it it won't be able to run until you reboot.
My Best to you,