Power Supply Mod

edited December 2004 in Hardware
I just found your forum and thought I would toss this out. I want to make a custom power supply wiring for my case and I need some input about the following:

What gauge wire should I use for the power supply wiring?
What type of connectors should I buy to place into the molex plugs?
What crimper should I purchase to make sure I can crimp the molex connectors for the plugs?
Where should I buy the above gear? :D
Is there anything I should take into account besides putting too many devices on one power chain or making sure that I get the correct wires in the correct molex positions :) ?
Has anyone else done this type of mod?
Is it as fullfilling as I imagine it will be seeing as you don't have all these extra power supply cables running around or wiretied in a big ball?
I plan on chopping all the power supply cables off at the power supply, except for the motherboard power lines, and placing a male connector t_1969.jpg at the power supply side and starting each custom cable with t_1965.jpg
Should I use molex connectors like the following and just forget about doing the crimp molex route? http://www.jab-tech.com/customer/product.php?productid=2307&cat=67&page=1

I just figured someone here could supply me with some expert advice. If I havent asked something that you think I should probably know, please post your thoughts.


p.s. This looks like a really nice community. Once I am done with this mod I will post pictures. :D


  • floppybootstompfloppybootstomp Greenwich New
    edited December 2004
    I think the wires are 0.75, but not absolutely sure. I just used the existing wiring and stuff I already had.

    I've rewired and sleeved PSU wiring and used UV molex connectors.

    I'm in the UK, where quite a few online stores supply the pins, crimp tool & pin removal tools. I'm sure there are suppliers in the States (assuming that's where you are).

    I actually bought most of my parts from RS (Radio Spares), cheaper than specialist computer component suppliers, which is unusual cos RS ain't usually cheap.

    RS are at: http://rswww.com I think they sell in the USA as well.
  • floppybootstompfloppybootstomp Greenwich New
    edited December 2004
    Here’s a few links to show you the sort of stuff that’s available. OK, it’s a UK store, but just to give an idea.

    Cable braid.

    Molex Pins

    Molex Plugs

    Floppy drive plugs.


    The heatshrink is usually used to finish off and neaten the braiding.

    btw, heatshrink guns are expensive. A good economical alternative is a hot air paint stripper gun, with a narrow nozzle.
  • edited December 2004
    If you are in the States you can try the following.



  • edited December 2004
    You can also go this route, with this psu and customized cables . Someone on the boards here, may Gnomewizardd, is using this psu and can tell you more about it too. This way you just run the cables you actually need, just like you want to do.
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