time for a new heatsink/case fan?
On my case, aspire xdreamer theres a little lcd thats attatched to a thermometer that i had monitoring my processor(AMD Athlon 64 3200+) The temperature on the lcd was always about 10* below what my cpu monitoring program said, and same with bios. So it was usually idle around 92-93*F on the lcd, or actually 102-103*F. Well the other day I checked the lcd and it said that it was 108 idle, meaning it was really 118*. I had no programs running, my monitor was asleep, and i have 2 casfans in my computer, and its still staying idle around 118* and goes up higher while playing games. I checked all the fans and they are all working, including my heatsinks fan. What could be the cause of this sudden jump in temperature? Should i get another heatsink/case fan.(im using the heatsink that came with my processor), and i have 2 case fans
What is your system/case temperature being reported in the BIOS? Additional case fans can certainly help to lower your case temperature, and will subsequently lower your cpu temperature as well. Also, does your BIOS/mobo utility also report an increase, or is it just with the LCD panel?
I am leaning twoards the dirty heatsink theory. Take a look at the pictures in this thread http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5277 I just cleaned my heatsink the other day ( It has been awhile ) it was not as dirty as in the pics in that thread, but my temps dropped 5 degrees C after the cleaning. I would take the fan off the heatsink and check it out.
I still cant think of an explination for the increase in temperature. It wasnt gradual or anything. I just turned it on and it started to go up to like 104, when its usually around 94
which way should it be blowing air?!?!?!
Ill let you know how the temp changes when its all done. thanks
hi there!
i just ordered a Zalman CNPS7700-ALCU CPU Cooler from zipzoomfly.com for $38.99 us
Zalmans site has info on what motherboards there coolers will fit ( mine is an MSI K8T Neo with an AMD athlon 64 3000+ socket 754) zipzoomfly has the lowest price i could find in the states (including shipping) i read a review at site (can't think of which one but you can google for it!) it is quieter than the stock AMD fan and cools better to, you just need to make sure you have the clearance for it!
hope this helps!