How do I burn my vinyl records to a cd using my record now software on my HP.
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
edited January 2005
Perfect program for that caled dBpowerAMP. I assume you have one of those RCA to 1/8" cable, right? It's been like 2yrs since I've used the program but IIRC, you connect to the line in plug in the computer. I think the plugin has an option so that you can play the record and the program starts recording when there's sound, stops when the song finishes and continues again when the next song starts. I also think you have the option to set it encode in mp3 too. After that, just burn the tracks to cd.
Thank You I do appreciate your reference to your site. The problem I am having now is when I am trying to record the music form vinyl to my hard drive the sound recoroder only allows me to record 60 seconds at a time which causes a skip in the song every 60 seconds. How do I go about extending that length of time so I don't have to press teh record button every 60 seconds.
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