Freezing rain = low production

scottscott Medina, Ohio Icrontian
edited January 2005 in Folding@Home
We have had freezing rain since last night. Our power keeps going out. So I have only one box on a UPS (this one ) I am sorry to say that 8 of my 9 boxes will be off until the weather breaks and the power is more stable. Sorry guys.

For those of you in warmer climes who have not seen it or just miss it, here are some pics. There is a half an inch of ice on everything. Trees and power lines are coming down everywhere.



  • scottscott Medina, Ohio Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    and another
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited January 2005
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2005
    We had that awhile back with that big storm right before Christmas. It was semi frozen by the time it hit the ground. I think thats what caused the power to do out for several days. I think it was out during Christmas but I was at my parents house.

    I heard eastern ohio was a bit colder and it was freezing.
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited January 2005
    That happened to us a few years ago. Exactly the same thing, even pretty close to that amount. It's VERY cool to look out and see everything covered in ice.

    While it isn't freezing rain, we got around 5 inches of snow last night. School is frickin' cancelled! They're like a mile away from me, and personally it looks well enough to drive in, but I'm not complaining! :D
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    Wow, that's some hardcore freezing rain. We just had a storm kick our butts around new years eve. We've gotten about a foot of snow and thankfully it's stopped snowing. Bad part is that it has stopped because it's too cold to snow, -45°c with the windchill. Luckily all the power has remained consistant.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited January 2005
    They are sure some spectecular photo's Scott. Hard to imagine what it would be like as it does not get that cold here. Today was a pleasant 37C.

    Have seen tv news coverage in the past when problems like yours occurred. Can imagine it's not much fun. Sure hope the weather clears soon for you.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    Ice storms are one reason that I moved back north. I can move the snow, but ice sucks.
    You are right entropy, the roads aren't bad. A 2 hour delay start would have worked fine in SE WI today.

    I do like winter. The basement is colder so the overclocks get bumped up.
  • rc1974rc1974 Grand Junction, CO
    edited January 2005
    scott wrote:
    We have had freezing rain since last night. Our power keeps going out. So I have only one box on a UPS (this one ) I am sorry to say that 8 of my 9 boxes will be off until the weather breaks and the power is more stable. Sorry guys.

    For those of you in warmer climes who have not seen it or just miss it, here are some pics. There is a half an inch of ice on everything. Trees and power lines are coming down everywhere.


    I've had my experience with freezing rain and never want to have it again. It was in Kansas in 1997. The bad part about it was that I was travelling cross-country back to Colorado from Florida and had no choice but to go through it. It took about 4 hours to go 20 miles, I went off of the road once(at 5mph), and I and everyone else stopped at every rest stop to smash the ice off of our cars. Luckilly it started to let up the closer I got the the Colorado/Kansas state line.
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