Two Open-Source Databases Releases Add To Enterprise Appeal

edited January 2005 in Science & Tech
Two new versions of the most popular open-source databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL, will be released this month with yet more features to make enterprises happy.
Marc Fournier, president of PostgreSQL Inc., a support company for PostgreSQL, told that he was packaging up the last release candidate for PostgreSQL 8.0 Thursday evening. It will ship by next week, he said.

The biggest deal for enterprises in the newest version is full native Windows support, said Fournier, in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. The 8.0 version will compile with the native Windows compiler and will run on Windows without the need to emulate, thus providing better performance.

"It tends to perform better," Fournier said. "The old way, you'd have to emulate the Unix environment on the Windows box. Emulation throws in more processor works, slows down performance—the whole works. Natively, there are no emulations. Performance will be improved, as will stability."

For its part, MySQL AB will likely have a beta of its long-awaited Version 5.0 ready for download by month's end, according to a company spokeswoman. Version 5.0 will feature key database features long craved by those with enterprise-class needs, including triggers, stored procedures and views.
Source: eWeek
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