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ronboronbo Connecticut
edited January 2005 in Folding@Home
I downloaded the Folding@Home program to try it on my computer. I had it running and tried to play an offline game on the computer too. The game would not start. I opened Task Manager and noticed that the Folding program was useing 100% of my CPU. Is there a setting in this program to limit the amount of Cpu usage? My computer is always on so when I am not useing it I would like to share in the Folding@Home project.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    FAH uses whatever the rest of the computer is NOT using... Therefore, it will always be 100%. That doesn't mean that FAH is using 100%.. It could only be using 10% and something else could be using 90%.. If you look at the processes list, you'll see something like FAHCORE_78.EXE or something similar, that's the actual FAH process - that number is accurate. You see how it floats around depending on what other processes are doing. It does not slow down your computer to have FAH running.

    Welcome to the team!
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    hey ronbo check this out.
    look in your FAH folder whatever it may be and find the file called client.cfg then cut and paste it to this thread. You may have another setting that is giving too much priority to folding than it should. Namely the "idle" part. If you post the cfg I may be able to help you find a potential problem ...we'll see how your game works then.

    I've been playing Wolfenstein online for a few years while folding and only once had an issue with it ...only because of this setting.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2005
    If anything it would be OpenGL. There are bugs in it which dont allow FAH to be running at the same time as some games.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2005
    You're in good hands with these guys. I'm sure they'll help you get it straightened out.

    I just wanted to say welcome to a great team! :D:fold:
  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited January 2005

    Welcome, thanks for your help!

  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited January 2005
    ronbo wrote:
    Is there a setting in this program to limit the amount of Cpu usage?

    There are 2 settings you can adjust if you want. Priority sets the application's usage of the CPU in terms of whether it is high priority or low priority. That should be set to 0 for low priority. If you set it to high priority (1) when you installed itm you should change it back to low (0.)

    Cpuusage allows you to limit how much of the available CPU power FAH will take. The normal default is 100%. So, like Prime said, if you have a program already using 90% of the CPU (which is rare) then FAH will take the remaining 10%, and your CPU usage will show 100%. I personally limit the cpuusage to 95% on all of my folding boxes, so as to always have a 5% headroom. The CPU can manage it's usage so fast as to be invisible, so this is not even really needed, I just do it to save that last 5% to aid in switching usage priorities, since I often have a lot of apps open on my folding boxes. I'm sure some of the other guys will come along and tell me I am being silly for doing that, but that 5% does not really slow my folding down that much in the long run.

    Please post your CFG file like csimon suggested, and they will take care of you.

    Thanks for Folding with us, we appreciate your contribution. :)


  • ronboronbo Connecticut
    edited January 2005
    I set the program to run at 80% CPU usage. Here is my config file..


    subtitle=Distributed Computing - http://folding.stanford.edu


  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited January 2005
    Welcome and thanks for joining Team #93, ronbo.

    F:fold:LD on. :thumbsup:
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited January 2005
    Welcome to a great team with great people :)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2005
    But running the CPU at 80% isnt really the problem. If FAH is still running I think its going to do the same thing.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited January 2005
    I've had similar problems. Use the "No Nonsense" console client instead of the graphical client. That will fix your problem of games not starting. And, FAH is designed to back off on CPU use when other programs need it. It has the lowest available priority for your CPU. You can leave it on 100% CPU. :) Hope that helps.

  • ronboronbo Connecticut
    edited January 2005
    TheGr81 wrote:
    I've had similar problems. Use the "No Nonsense" console client instead of the graphical client. That will fix your problem of games not starting. And, FAH is designed to back off on CPU use when other programs need it. It has the lowest available priority for your CPU. You can leave it on 100% CPU. :) Hope that helps.

    This sounds like what I need. Where do I find this no nonsense console client. I do not see a setting for this when I hit the configure tab. Do I have to download another client? And if I install another client do I have to reregister with the new client and uninstall this client?

    Just found the no nonsense client and downloaded it. Not sure what to do with it now..Install it and have 2 clients running or uninstall the graphical client?
  • witenoizwitenoiz 19,356 miles East of Kansas City, MO Member
    edited January 2005
    ronbo wrote:
    This sounds like what I need. Where do I find this no nonsense console client. I do not see a setting for this when I hit the configure tab. Do I have to download another client? And if I install another client do I have to reregister with the new client and uninstall this client?

    Just found the no nonsense client and downloaded it. Not sure what to do with it now..Install it and have 2 clients running or uninstall the graphical client?
    Glad to have you on the team ronbo You can run both clients if you have a P4 with HyperThreading - I don't do any gaming but I do a lot of music and graphics and now DVD stuff and I have no problems with burning DVD's and 2 instances of :fold: Folding :fold: running. On an Athlon running Win 2000 with a Barton 2800 - One instance of the no-nonsense client and I burn DVD's on it with no problems. Jack
  • VolvoVolvo Eureka, Ca on the Pacific
    edited January 2005
    Welcome to the team Ronbo. It's great to have another member folding with us. I've only been folding for 5 weeks so I don't have any answers.. :scratch:
    So long.
    Folding 24/7
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    ronbo wrote:
    Just found the no nonsense client and downloaded it. Not sure what to do with it now..Install it and have 2 clients running or uninstall the graphical client?
    You only need 2 clients if you have a hyperthreading cpu (some P4's). If you don't then just use the console.
    Don't delete the "work" folder because it will probably just take up on the wu you are already working on.
    Actually if you choose to use only the console version then once you stop the 5.03 gui client you can delete it (Folding@Home503.exe) and the client.cfg files. When you start the 5.02 console it will then begin to configure and it's just that simple really.

    If you want to run both the gui and console then set them up in two seperate folders like c:\f@h1 and c:\f@h2. Make sure you configure the gui as machineID=1 and console as machineID=2.
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