Outlook Express cannot delete messages

edited February 2011 in Science & Tech
When I try to delete messages in OE I get the error 'cannot delete selected message' in any that I've downloaded via POP3. messages from HTTP servers (lycos, hotmail) stilldelets alright, just the POP3 ones won't. My inbox is getting very full!

Any ideas how to repair this?


  • TrinityTrinity UK
    edited January 2005
    Can you log into the server where your POP3 mail comes from so you can delete it straight from the server? You may have an email stuck thats causing this.
    You could also try doing "maintenance" to clear messages.
    In Outlook Express ...Go to Tools~Options~Maintenence tab.
    Hit the Clean-Up now button, it will give you the option to Compact,Remove Messages, Delete or Reset.
    You could try Remove Messages and Delete to see if that helps.

    Another way is to do a search for *dbx files. ie SentItems.dbx, DeletedItems.dbx and deleting them.
    This can sometimes clear up a backlog of stuck mail in the program itself.
    Be sure to save the emails you want first though. :)

    I don't use OE anymore because of things like this happening, I changed to Microsoft Outlook & Thunderbird. Less problems like this happening ;)

    hope it helps anyway
    Trin x
  • edited February 2005
    I don't use OE anymore because of things like this happening, I changed to Microsoft Outlook & Thunderbird. Less problems like this happening ;)

    Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, nothing worked, and it'll have to be a rebuild. I've tried Thunderbird but it worked once and now won't boot up ~laughs~

    Thanks for the help!
  • edited February 2011
    When you encounter Outlook Express stuck messages problems, your Deleted Items folder might have been damaged. So, as a solution, you need to go to the Deleted Items folder in Outlook Express, move your important messages in your Inbox, shut down Outlook Express, open your Outlook Express store folder, delete the Deleted Items.dbx file, restart Outlook Express, and empty the Deleted Items folder. You need to clear your Deleted Items folder regularly if you do not want to encounter any more problems like this.
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