I believe this has been brought up before

but nothing was done about it.
Would it be wise to send an email to the webmasters of innocent websites which have malicious Active X controls on them (for example, lyrics sites)? I don't remember what was said about this before, but to me, it seems like a good idea, and if we can get those sites to remove those Active X controls from their pages, it will cut down on the number of users with spyware. I can start a list of sites with malicious Active X Controls if it would be helpful. What do you think about this?
Would it be wise to send an email to the webmasters of innocent websites which have malicious Active X controls on them (for example, lyrics sites)? I don't remember what was said about this before, but to me, it seems like a good idea, and if we can get those sites to remove those Active X controls from their pages, it will cut down on the number of users with spyware. I can start a list of sites with malicious Active X Controls if it would be helpful. What do you think about this?