won't boot

I was told by a friend to use memtest to check my memory i did i made the boot disk and it worked then i restarted my computer and it said "You hardware has been changed...i can't remember all of the eroor message but it gave me some options..."Safe mode, Sm with networking..., another safe mode, last know good config, and then start windows normally." when i press any of those it shows a lined bar (a progress bar) then it gets to 100% and then my comp. reboots and then starts then same problem. I have no idea what is wrong. I use XP Home SP2 run an Emachines (which i hate). If you need any further info to help me i would be glad to give.
Also, if you run the emachines restore disk, chances are you WILL lose all of your data.
Replacing the memory doesn't, <i>at all</i> affect your files, as those are on your hard drive. But the point is, you do need new memory, or it will never work right.
oh and also ...would the memory be more likly to fail during a test? or on a regular computer instance?
if he says infinion tell him you want a diffrent stick unless its corsair its always good they use windbond and erase the name off there chips