Not really. That's what Dreamweaver is for. Flash is for... Well, flash.. I mean, you can make a full website in flash, but websites done all in flash really suck, and many people are turned away by that. Flash is best used as a subtle and elegant enhancement to HTML.
If you really want to make the whole site that way, you have to carefully plan out how the site will work ahead of time and organize it so that you can get it all to operate on the linear timeline. You use actionscript commands to jump from place to place on the timeline as users click different areas.
As Brian (primesuspect) said, I would recommend using it as an enhancement, not the entire site. Some people don't have the plugin, it annoys some people, and Google (and Yahoo, et. al.) won't index the site well.
Yeah use Flash for anything animated, or things you can't do with just normal coding and images or if gif images just don't cut it. Interactivity is key for using Flash and a true Flash author doesn't use it's built in behaviors(unless it just doesn't matter, I find myself using the media player on occasion now... behaviors tend to be bloated in code that isn't required), but ActionScript is it's true power.
You don't require Dreamweaver of course, you could always just use notepad, but if you've done websites before you already know that. Buttons, rollovers, banners, games.... but not the whole site. Besides, flash is very sketchy with text. And something that's just on my mind... make sure if you do anything in flash to make sure it's exact pixels, being 88px instead of 88.3, that just makes things worse and generally when you drag items from the library to the stage it will come in an odd number like that. Basically it distorts the images a bit, barely noticable, but it makes one wonder what's wrong with it, especially text.
As Brian (primesuspect) said, I would recommend using it as an enhancement, not the entire site. Some people don't have the plugin, it annoys some people, and Google (and Yahoo, et. al.) won't index the site well.
You don't require Dreamweaver of course, you could always just use notepad, but if you've done websites before you already know that. Buttons, rollovers, banners, games.... but not the whole site. Besides, flash is very sketchy with text. And something that's just on my mind... make sure if you do anything in flash to make sure it's exact pixels, being 88px instead of 88.3, that just makes things worse and generally when you drag items from the library to the stage it will come in an odd number like that. Basically it distorts the images a bit, barely noticable, but it makes one wonder what's wrong with it, especially text.