GMail Messages Are Vulnerable To Interception
While developing a mailing list script for Gmail, a group of guys found out that Gmail is vulnerable to interception.
Source: HBX NetworksWe do realize that GMail is an invitation-only service, in a beta-test state of development. Nevertheless, many people rely upon GMail heavily, and many more people are forced to communicate with GMail users, because of this reliance. These people should expect their communications to be vulnerable to interception, at least until GMail corrects the issue. And the appearance of this issue, at the user level, probably indicates a failure in GMail's code review and/or quality assurance standards, which may result in other, similar errors. We did not explore GMail for additional such errors, but based upon the nature of this one, we are confident that such exploration would bear interesting fruit. (Note to GMail's development teams: we are available for hire! Cheaply! ;-P)
(edited for thief instead of theft, whoops)
I hope they fix the security on it and launch it out of beta so everyone can enjoy it. GMail really is easy and fast. Much better than hotmail IMHO.