Need help activating ATI Radeon 9250 PCI port!
OK, i have a basic Dell 2400 and I have the ATI Radeon 9250 PCI 256 mb Video Card. At first, I couldnt get the video card outlet to provide anything other than a blank screen. Then a buddy came over and set the computer up for "multiple monitors" (r. click desktop, settings, etc). And now if I plug the monitor into the v/c outlet, there is my desktop, but all my icons are still over on the regular out let. And if I connect the monitor back to that regular outlet, then click on a icon, or open a program, it opens on the v/c side outlet!
I dont know much about computers at all and my buddy wont be able to come back over for a while.
So if anyone can give my step by step instructions on how to make my v/c outlet my only monitor, with all my icons over there, I would be very greatful. Again, assume I dont know abreviations or my way around a comp. because I dont!
F.Y.I. When I was first trying to set this up, I would go into the Display settings and choose for the Radeon Monitor to be the default and all icons would go to an invisable screen to the right. My cursor would go way off the screen to the right and the only friggin way I got it back to normal, was to spend hours trying to grap open windows from an invisible screen then drag them back over to the visible screen to see what was going on. Then I had to do a system restore. I "do not" want this to happen again.
Thanks in advance!
I dont know much about computers at all and my buddy wont be able to come back over for a while.
So if anyone can give my step by step instructions on how to make my v/c outlet my only monitor, with all my icons over there, I would be very greatful. Again, assume I dont know abreviations or my way around a comp. because I dont!
F.Y.I. When I was first trying to set this up, I would go into the Display settings and choose for the Radeon Monitor to be the default and all icons would go to an invisable screen to the right. My cursor would go way off the screen to the right and the only friggin way I got it back to normal, was to spend hours trying to grap open windows from an invisible screen then drag them back over to the visible screen to see what was going on. Then I had to do a system restore. I "do not" want this to happen again.
Thanks in advance!
1) disabling the onboard video in the bios. (press del or f10 right after you turn the computer on, and look for the option somewhere)
2) temporarily disabling the onboard video card in windows, to see if this is what is causing the problem.
a) Go to start -> control panel -> system -> hardware -> device manager -> Display adapters
b) Then right click on the one that is not the 9250, and select "disable", click yes. Make sure your monitor is plugged into the 9250, and reboot.