Complete reinstall
Hi guys I need some advice and tips. I have been having problem after problem with my hard drive so I am going to do a complete wipe and reinstall everything. Would anyone have any advice or tips on how to basically start from new on my hard drive? Thanks.
Stay Funky...
Stay Funky...
Backup all the files you need. Things like mp3s, Office Docs, Movies, your internet favorites, comics, pictures, and your Outlook *.pst file are critical. I keep everything in My Documents folder on a drive separate from my OS, so it is easy to backup routinely. Additionally, it keeps most of the files safe from a fresh reinstall with a format.
make sure you either have the disk or install *.exe readily available for all your applications and OS.
I download all the newest drivers before I reinstall, especially the drivers for how you access the internet (modem, LAN). That way if I ever have a problem with my install they are available when the internet isnt.
Having said all that...what exactly do you mean by "problem after problem" with your hard drive? If it is dying, a reinstall won't help.