Cleaning up marks in a monitor screen?
I got a Dell 15" monitor for $15 at a computer show yesterday and it works good, but it has some marks in the screen. I cleaned it with glass cleaner and paper towels, but some of the marks are still there. They aren't bad, but they make a little distortion in the image if you look at them the right way.
Is there any way to polish them out?
I'm going to sell this monitor with a computer system, so it's no big deal to me.
Is there any way to polish them out?
I'm going to sell this monitor with a computer system, so it's no big deal to me.
What rc1974 mentioned would help scratched glass. Re-doing the protective coating needs to be done professionally and wouldn't be worth it for an old 15" monitor.
This is at your own risk, but I have used Endust (a furniture polish) on some screens with fair success. I wouldn't risk it on a really good one, but with a 15" used monitor you don't have all that much to lose.