I've just lost my virginity, to AMD.

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited August 2003 in Hardware
Okay well, I am and always have been a guy who rarely overclocks, but today, I had some spare time and decided to crank up my girlfriends 1700+, can't remember whether or not it's a 'Thoroughbred' or a 'Palomino', but if I had to guess I would say it was the former. Anyway...

So it's running on a KD7 (KT400), I managed to get it running stable at 2600+ speeds, which is 2.13GHz, with standard 133mhz BUS and 1.8v. A pretty simply overclock given the motherboard and the CPU, I only posted what I have done, just so you guys can check over it and see if there is anyway I can improve it.

Thanks in advance.



  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Is there a mutliplier lock on that board?

    If not, just go up .5 and see. If the temps stay below 55C you are totally SAFE. No matter what volts you have on the cpu.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    my 1700+ is at 15x 133 stable as hell
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    Mackanz said
    Is there a mutliplier lock on that board?

    If not, just go up .5 and see. If the temps stay below 55C you are totally SAFE. No matter what volts you have on the cpu.

    I don't think so, if you mean, can I adjust the 14x, 15x 16x etc etc manually, then yes I can. However there isn't a 16.5x setting (is that what you meant?), after 16 it just jumps to 17x then 18x. I haven't been able to get it consistently stable at 17x, though I was hesitant to take the voltage over 2.0.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Use 16 and slowly raise the fsb by one at a time until it´s unstable. Then back of 2 or 3.
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    I'll give that a go thanks. Also, am I right in saying that my 'Palomino' XP 2000+ could be quite hard to un-lock? I obviously didn't need to manualy do it with the 1700+ on the KD7, but I will for the 2000+. Presuming I can un-lock it with out any trouble, what speeds on my KR7A can I hope to get it up to, given the boards limitations?
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    My guess would be sub-2 gigs but that totally depends on the stepping/week code of the pally, m8. Dont expect more than 180 fsb stable though. How high can you get it now with just fsb and max memoryvoltage/vcore voltage?
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    The AMD CPUs are easy to cut too deeply into for someone not used to cutting very shallowly if you have to cut. I know a guy on Icrontic who literally cut less than 1\8" in and destroyed his AMD CPU. I would do it with a magnifier, brand new razor blade, and tape covering the blade all but for 1\16" at one corner (measure from corner tip of blade) . Xacto knife will work once or twice with fresh blade covered all but 1\16" with duct tape and tip cleaned off after removing excess tape with rubbing alcohol.

    The tape will give you a very noticable bit of resistance if you try to cut too deep that way-- I use ducttape and make sure no adhesive from tape on blade after trimming duct tape off corner with another razor blade. For those of you in England, a 1.5 to 1.9 mm deep cut will work and not destroy the CPU if you are careful to find proven directions and cut carefully as to length and which trace.

    Any mods with soldering I would avoid, but some electrical supply houses have cold set conductive trace repair material available that DOES work and will make thin traces if you tape first and pull tape before it sets.

    That is in a syringe or squeeze tube as it comes. I have seen trace repair at Radio Shack way back but have not seen locally since in from that needs no heat.

    Mouser Electronics has conductive trace fluid pens with air drying conductive trace fluid in them and is reasonable for that product. The ones they bring in from CircuitWorks are best, especially the micro-tip pen. They are used for prototype board design mods. The stuff cures in an hour, dries hard in 3-5 minutes.
    They are at http://www.mouser.com/ and if you sign up for their free catalog you can get one year's worth free of 1058 page catalogs and updates. You will find them in Supplies section near end of catalog in chem sprays and small defluxing pens area. You can do 10-15 CPU mods with one at least.

    They are in the US, Spinner can find something probably described as prototype trace fluid at an electronic supply in England and shipping would be less and faster.
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    I can reach 139 stable, with Core at 1.85, I/O at 3.65 (maxed) and DDR at 2.85 (maxed). That gives me a 2100+. Just a quick noob question, will that small increase in DDR voltage prove stressfull for the DDR? Could it prove harmfull? It's not really overclockers memory, it's just Crucial.

    EDIT: Thanks Ageek but remember, I'm new at this, and haven't yet had chance to look into exactly how to unlock an XP manually (I presume that's what your talking about), so even though I'm sure your advice is sound, it doesn't mean much to me, at least it doesn't yet. I shall nevertheless make a mental note of your post for when I have read up on what it is I think you are talking about. Cheers though.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Crucial can run stable at any voltage it will run right on for two hours straight. That is about base normal +- 12% and on my DDR base is usually 2.6 to 6.65 volts.

    If stable it is still under warranty and power supplies can vary such that you get 200ths of volt varying under load so the Micron modules were designed to handle that unless in a very hot room. I would say step to 2.8 and see what happens and not go over what you have now. I have talked with Micron techs about Crucial RAM thet is DDR and they say they will warranty replace within those limits-- 2.85 is edge without Active RAM cooler kit(heatsink plus fan) from Thermotake, then 2.90 to 2.95 stable has been achieved as extra heat is sucked out of modules.

    Good luck.
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    Okay, cool, I shall do as you suggested. I'll edge it off a little. Thanks.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Dont worry Spinner. DDR memory can take over 3 volts in 10 years without damage.

    Before we determine that 139 is the limit on either cpu cpeed and/or memory, lower the timings to like nasty low. Use the safe settings valuables except on the voltages. Then raise the fsb to see if ti´s the limit on memory or cpu speed.
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    The memory timings were all pretty relaxed anyway, but I've double checked and pulled them down even further, but I still can't hold steady above 139.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Spinner said
    The memory timings were all pretty relaxed anyway, but I've double checked and pulled them down even further, but I still can't hold steady above 139.

    Not even with a ultra low multi?

    Ok, then that is the memory limit then. Bring out the calculator and find a multi times 137 fsb that is as close to the max cpu speed it can do and you have your overclock. After that, you can try to use tighter timings.
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited August 2003
    Cool Mack' thanks. :thumbsup:
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