McAfee Adds To Intrusion Prevention System

edited January 2005 in Science & Tech
Security vendor McAfee announced the expansion of its network intrusion prevention system this week with the introduction of two new products designed to detect malicious code, spyware and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
The McAfee IntruShield 4010 and IntruShield 3000 are the latest products to be rolled out in the IntruShield family. Both are specially built IPS appliances created to process high volumes of traffic at multi-gigabit-per-second speeds, McAfee said in a statement.

"With the continuing discovery and exploitation of new threats, the stakes are high for today's business security requirements. McAfee's IntruShield intrusion prevention appliances address multi-gigabit requirements for service providers, carriers and large-scale enterprise networks," Charles Kolodgy, research director at IDC, said in a statement.

Before rolling out the pair of products this week, the vendor limited IntruShield 1200, 1400, 2600 and 4000 appliances to small and medium sized businesses. The latest products are designed to protect large and mission-critical networks of large-scale enterprises, said the company. And, designed for both network core and service provider cloud-based deployment, they include 12 gigabit monitoring ports, performance up to 2Gbps and support for high-availability network deployments, the company added.
Source: Internet News
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