when i cant afford i improvise ;-)
Well i wanted a fan that would cool off my video card and blow some air into case as well. i had no money to buy one so what did i do? i improvised :-D i have this mini fan i bought from dollar store thing one of those big stand up ones but minitaure adn runs on doulbe A's, i took it apart and kept the mototer, wires and battery pack and switch and of course the fan. i then striped the wires and attached em to fan but they werent long enough so i got an old pair of ehadphones that didnt work and riped the wires out, stripped the ends and connected em and then it was plenty long and now i have a switcha nd battery pack on top of case and i just hit switch and it turns on inside case providing really good cooling on video card its a pretty powerful little fan, i plan to buy a few more and make some more fans for case considering hwo cheap and easy it is to do.
The base with switch
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and the fan which i mounted (taped) inside case poiting right onto video card :-D
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it may look like it wouldnt help much but u would be surpised how powerfult he little fan is.
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All i do to turn it on is move that little switch on top over a little and it turns on.
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i had one of those like number thingys for kids laying aroudn u know u type in friends name and phone number well it didnt work to great so i took it apart and got it to run off the double aa's fine then i attached the fan wires to the off/on swithc toggle thingy on back and now when i hit on the fan turns on and off turns it off... it took me bout to hours x :
Are you going to hook the rest of the keys up to other stuff? You could end up with the ultimate hardware control center with that thing.